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 榉树 添加此单词到默认生词本
zelkova schneideriana

  1. 榉树在黑暗中摩擦着无数叶片,簌簌作响。
    Hundreds of Zelkova leaves rustle in the dark.
  2. 碰巧,在庄园的场院里,有一堆十年前在清理一片榉树林时堆在那儿的木材,至今已经很合用了。
    It happenedthatthere was in the yard a pile of timberwhichhad been stacked there ten years earlier when beech spinney was cleared.
  3. 榉树伸开赤裸的白色肢体,互相紧紧偎依,枝条交叉错杂,形成奇特的拥抱,在头顶构成一个形似教堂拱道的穹隆。
    The beeches with white, naked limbs leant close to one another, their branches intermingled in a strange embrace, making a vault above my head like the archway of a church.

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