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 根群 添加此单词到默认生词本
root mass

  1. 就好像腐蚀根群然后使之死亡。
    They kind of cauterize them and the roots die.
  2. 植物都需要保持住根群同时和茎保持大致的平衡以便维系。
    And plants need to keep the root mass in some rough balance with the leaf mass to be happy.
  3. 而我呢,我平静地站着,把手伸进乱之中,为自己梦想制作的那个光滑的头饰,一地拔下这些黑色的羽毛。
    But me, I stood calm and reached into the maelstrom, plucking black feathers one by one for the waxy headdress I dreamed I'd make.

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