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 根菜类蔬菜 [gēn cài lèi shū cài添加此单词到默认生词本
[园艺] root vegetable

  1. 这个星期,我们将由话题从根菜类蔬菜转到绿叶蔬菜来。
    This week, we move from root vegetables to leave a leafy vegetable.
  2. 蔬菜中重金属元素含量由高到低顺序大体上是:叶菜类,瓜果类蔬菜根菜类蔬菜
    The order of the content of the heavy metal elements in vegetables is leaf vegetables>melon and fruit vegetables>root vegetables.
  3. 这种新型的生物燃料能够直接由果糖制造出来,果糖可以从苹果、梨、浆果与甜瓜之的水果中提炼,同样它也可以从一些根菜类蔬菜中提炼。
    The new biofuel can be made directly from fructose, which is present in fruits such as apples, pears, berries and melons as well as some root vegetables.

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