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 核线 添加此单词到默认生词本
[测][摄] epipolar ray

  1. 深入分析了核线影像与原始倾斜影像之间的解析关系,提出一种核线影像生成的快速算法。
    The analytic relationship between epipolar and original images is deeply studied, and a fast algorithm for generating epipolar image is proposed.
  2. 因此,提出了一种利用核线约束对线路中间隔棒进行三维重建的方法,进而可以重建整条电力线的三维信息。
    An epipolar constraint 3D spacer reconstruction method is proposed, so that based on the reconstructed spacers the whole 3D power line information can be calculated out.
  3. 围绕着利用航空立体影像对自动生成核线影像的问题,介绍了基于数字影像几何纠正的核线解析方法的实现过程。
    The problem of generating the epipolar line images automatically from aerial stereo images are discussed, and specifies the method based on geometric correction of image.

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