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 月桂油 添加此单词到默认生词本
laurel fat
myrcia oil
oleum lauri
laurel (leaves) oil
oil of bay
laurel oil
laurel butter

  1. 月桂油是什么?
    What is laurel oil?
  2. 纳米氧化镁经月桂酸钠处理可以得到表面亲化的粒子,改性最佳工艺条件为:改性温度600C;
    The optimum processing conditions in the surface modification of nanometer magnesia : the modification temperature is 600C;
  3. 在2 0 0 SN矿物基础中原位合成了溶性月桂酸铅(LL),并用FT - IR对其进行了结构表征。
    Oil soluble lead laurate (LL) was in situ synthesized in 200sn bas oil and characterized by FT IR.

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