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 昆明理工大学 添加此单词到默认生词本
Kunming University of Science and Technology

  1. 昆明理工大学材料与冶金工程学院;云南昆明
    WANG Min HUANG Xin HE Zi-kai WANG Jia-lu (Faculty of Materials and Metallurgy Engineering; Kunming University of Science and Technology; Kunming; Yunnan 650093);
  2. 而左边就是建设路,路的对面是昆明理工大学西门,该门的左右两边是正在招商的一些商铺。
    On the left is the Jianshe road, opposite the road is the west door of Kunming Polytechnic University, on the both side of the door are some shops which are being leased.
  3. 一些来自于昆明理工大学的,英语水平处于中等和中等以下的学生与笔者共同参与了十五周的教学实验。
    The participants who were from Kunming University of Science and Technology with intermediate and lower-intermediate English level took part in the fifteen-week teaching experiment.

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