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 昆虫遗传学 [kūn chóng yí chuán xué添加此单词到默认生词本
[昆] insect genetics

  1. 家蚕作为鳞翅目的代表昆虫,又是遗传学研究的极好材料。
    Silkworm is a representative insect in Lepidoptera, and also an excellent material for genetic research.
  2. 家蚕是重要的经济昆虫,也是分子遗传学研究中重要的模式生物。
    Bombyx mori is both an economically important insect and a model organism for the study of molecular genetics.
  3. 本实验室以番茄为模式系统,建立了用正向遗传学方法研究植物对昆虫抗性机理的研究体系。
    We set up a research system to explore the mechanism of plant resistance to pest by forward chemical genetics approach with tomato as a model system.

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