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 斐然成章 [fěi rán chéng zhāng添加此单词到默认生词本
show striking literary talent
beautifully composed
It is truly a finished composition.
well cultivated in the arts and well-mannered

  1. 这时久在他无知的心灵中酿成巨澜的丰富感触与活跃想象便将一起沸腾起来,斐然成章,蔚为壮观。
    and this wealth of sensation and this freedom of fancy, which make an extraordinary ferment in his ignorant heart, presently bubble over into some kind of utterance.
  2. 《中华文学评论百年精华》一书本着举凡有批评之精神、理论之态度、独到之眼光、精妙之见解而又能斐然成章者的编选标准,荟萃精华。
    On the standard of the critical spirit, the theoretical manner, the special eyes and the exquisite opinion, The Hundred Years Essence of Chinese Literature Comments gathered all the essence.

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