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 斑啄木鸟 添加此单词到默认生词本
dendrocopos major

  1. 斑啄木鸟在觅食时可利用它们所收集的信息使其食物摄取率达到最大。
    Downy woodpeckers can use the gleaned information while foraging in order to maximize their food-intaking rate.
  2. 并对啄木鸟(主要是大斑啄木鸟)凿伤健康林木和取食少量天敌、麦粒的情况进行了调查统计。
    Furthermore, investigation and statistics were made on damage on healthy trees made by woodpeckers, especially Dendrocopos major and their foraging and feeding on some natural enemies and grains.
  3. 并对啄木鸟(主要是大斑啄木鸟)凿伤健康林木和取食少量天敌、麦粒的情况进行了调查统计。
    Furthermore, investigation and statistics were made on damage on healthy trees made by woodpeckers, especially Dendrocopos major and their foraging and...

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