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 收益递减 添加此单词到默认生词本
decreasing returns
decreasing profits

  1. 她认为自己的收益递减点差不多刚好是40个小时。
    She calculates 40 hours as almost exactly her point of diminishing returns.
  2. 虽然家长可能纠结于一些细枝末节的问题(究竟是选钢琴还是小提琴),但根据收益递减规律,这样的细节问题几乎不发生影响。
    Although parents might fret over the details of such advantages—is it better to play the piano or the violin?—these details are mostly insignificant, subject to the law of diminishing returns.
  3. 有时我们被吸引去计划许多的事情,然后在未来某个时间发现收益递减规律开始发挥作用了。
    Some times we are tempted to plan a lot of things and after some time the law of diminishing returns operates.

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