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  1. 陇东长8油藏为特低渗砂岩岩性油藏,储层岩石中粘土矿物含量较高,主要为绿泥石,孔隙类型主要有粒间孔、溶孔、晶间孔和微孔.储层潜在损害因素分析主要为无机结垢和粘土矿物的感性伤害.实验结果表明,储层注入水与地层水配伍性不好,中等偏,中等偏,这些为储层损害的主要因素.
    Water shutoff agent DSZ-A is composed of inorganic particle.Its specialities are low cost,easily flow,high strength and long valid period.The agent suits non-selective water shutoff in sand formation.DSZ-A not only can plug high water-bearing formation,but also can plug case leakage.DSZ-A has been applied on site and gotten good effect.It is a agent which has wide prospect.
  2. 结论鸡羽根角蛋白管可被水解,释放一些肽类物质,其浸提液对皮肤无致作用,皮内刺激反应,不引起全身急性毒性症状,无细胞毒性。
    Conclusion CCK contained in the treated chicken calamus easily undergoes hydrolysis to release mainly some peptides which do not induce obvious toxic effects, suggesting the safe potential applications of CCK conduit as a tissue-engineering biometerial.
  3. TCK的磁传感器检测技术领先欧、美等发达国家的强磁检测技术20年,其磁传感器灵度高于传统磁元件“霍尔元件”灵度7-25万倍,必将引发钢丝绳检测领域内的巨大变革。
    TCK weak magnetic inspection technology leads 20 years of existing strong magnetic inspection technology developed by Europe and US developing countries and TCK weak magnetic sensor sensitivity is 70-250 thousand times higher than existing sensor “Hall element”, all this will bring vast innovation in wire rope inspection field.

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