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 弱电解质 [ruò diàn jiě zhì添加此单词到默认生词本
[物化] weak electrolyte

  1. 目前在物理化学实验教材中,还没有测定弱电解质溶液无限稀释摩尔电导率的实验内容。
    An experimental method for determining the limit molar conductivity of weak electrolyte solution was set up, and it could be applied to the experimental teaching of physical chemistry.
  2. 实验分析了对聚集稳定性有影响的相关参数,例如温度、电解质离子浓度、聚集大分子浓度和激光照射等。
    Many factors, such as temperature, thickness of electrolyte ion, thickness of aggregate macro-molecular and irradiation by low power, were investigated in our experiments.

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