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 弥雾机 添加此单词到默认生词本
[植保] mist sprayer
atomizing sprayer

  1. 弥雾机出口风速和梯度增大,滴的穿透性和沉积量增加。
    The penetration and deposition of droplets will increase with increasing of wind speed and its gradient.
  2. 在稻田喷中,利用表面活性剂降低药液表面张力和采用弥雾机施药有助于提高滴在水稻植株上的沉积率。
    It will help to increase the deposition rate of droplet on rice plants to adopt mist sprayer and surfactant which may reduce the surface tension of solution for spraying pesticide in paddy fields.
  3. 在风送弥雾机喷头上附加静电发生装置进行了实验,结果表明在电场作用下其滴针对目标具有趋向性。
    Using the experimental method, as the electrostatics device is applied to an air-assisted mist sprayer, the droplets have a tendency to adhere on the object under the action of electrostatics field.

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