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 弧分 添加此单词到默认生词本
minute of arc

  1. 定量方面:任一空间辨力的测定结果,例如观测者恰可察觉离的两个相邻物体(点或线或其他特定刺激)的用弧分表示的角度间隔的倒数。
    Quantitatively: Reciprocal of the value (generally in minutes of arc) of the angular separation of two neighboring objects (points or lines) which the eye can just perceive as being separate.
  2. 角球区:以边线和球门线交叉点为圆点,以1米为半径,向场内各画一段四之一的圆,这个内地区叫角球区。
    Corner Area: The edge line with the goal line cross, have a dot, radius is 1m, drawing a quarter of circle arc.
  3. 氦的体积大于75%时,其电形成具有氦的性质。
    When the helium content in the tri-mixed gas excesses 75%, the arc presents the characteristic of helium.

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