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 库存管理系统 添加此单词到默认生词本
[经管] inventory management system

  1. 通过软件运行实例对库存管理系统功能模块进行了分析及实现,并对系统处理流程进行了详细地说明。
    Through software running examples, the function modules of inventory management are analyzed, disposal flow of system are explained in detail.
  2. 针对某食品厂的库存管理系统现状,参考MRP模式对其进行改进,并提出一种计算采购计划的平准化方法。
    Concerning the current IMS of packinghouse stocks, this paper uses MRP for reference and improves it. Also the paper presents a new even method to calculate order plans.
  3. 问题的关键是,正如我们上面提到的“在库存管理系统和财务系统之间存在一些重叠的数据”,一种特定的数据重叠,而且可能还不只一个。
    The problem is that, as we mentioned earlier "there is a certain overlap between the stock control system and the accounting system." A certain overlap, but probably not a complete one.

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