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 库存股 [kù cún gǔ添加此单词到默认生词本
treasury stock

  1. 库存股不附带流通的权力,诸如投票权和分红权。
    Treasury stock does not carry the rights of outstanding common shares, such as voting rights and the right to receive dividends.
  2. 库存股是公司已经发行并在发行之后又从公众购买回来的票。
    Treasury Stock is stock a corporation has issued and subsequently repurchased from the public.
  3. 公司可以重新发行库存股给员工红利计划基金,或作为红利发给东,或在某种情况下另外发行重新分发给公众。
    A corporation could reissue its treasury stock to fund employee bonus plan, distribute it to stockholders as a stock dividend, or under certain circumstances, redistribute it to the public in an additional offering.

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