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 广告费率 添加此单词到默认生词本
advertising rate

  1. 另一些媒体公司认为,广告客户会开始为广告段的正一和倒一位置加收更多的广告费率,并且,由于节目赞助使广告信息最贴近节目内容,所以也会变得更受欢迎。
    Other media agencies suggest that advertisers will start to put an even higher premium on the first and last spots on the ad break, and that sponsorship of programmes will become more popular, as this gets the commercial message closest to the content.
  2. 不怕你检查当地的广播电视费率非黄金时间可能存在什么讨价还价. With television, primetime is 7pm to 10pm.与电视黄金段是晚上七时至十时. With radio, primetime is 8am to 5pm.无线电、黄金是八时至下午五时. This sure leaves a whole lot of hours available to advertise your home business at discount rates!这肯定留下了一大堆时间你家广告商提供折扣优惠!
    Don't be afraid to check your local radio and television rates for non-primetime hours to see what bargains may exist.

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