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 广寒宫 [guǎng hán gōng添加此单词到默认生词本
the Moon Palace (the mythical palace in the moon)

  1. 顿时,嫦娥缓缓向天上飘去,最后来到月亮上,至今都住在广寒宫里。
    Upon taking the pill, she floats into the sky and resides to this day on the moon.
  2. 喜鹊说:“我也想带你到云霄殿,看看广寒宫、兜率宫,还有月亮姐姐嫦娥。”
    " magpie says: "I also think of to take you the sky hall, see the Moon Palace, bag lead palace, still have goddess in the moon of lunar elder sister.
  3. 在山脊和峭壁之间,分布着数百条大小冰川,还有许多美丽而神奇的冰塔林,犹如仙境广寒宫
    In between the ridges and cliff, dotted with hundreds of small glaciers, there are many beautiful and wonderful serac clusters, like fairyland Guanghan Gong.

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