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conventional data

  1. 试验表明:在伴随模式同化系统中加入常规和非常规资料,可以改进初始场,从而改善预报场。
    The results indicate that the adding of conventional and non-conventional observations into adjoint model system can improve the quality of initial field, thereof improve the result of forecasting.
  2. 利用常规资料与多时相卫星遥感图象,分析了黄河上游干流水库投入运用后内蒙河段河床的冲淤演变及平面形态变化。
    This paper examines the erosion and accretion evolution based on sea charts, combined with hydrodynamics and sediments, as well as channel evolution of the Changjiang estuary.
  3. 其次通过两种对比的方法,把白洋淀的湖泊效应从常规气象资料中分离出来。
    Then with two comparative methods, the Baiyangdian lake's effects of lake was divided from the regular meteorological data.

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