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 已经成人的 [yǐ jīng chéng rén de添加此单词到默认生词本

  1. 在农产品上映出了已经成人的第五代人的侧影,农场主基思·科次在爱荷华州奥克维尔附近收割玉米。
    Silhouetted against reflections of the crop five generations of his family have grown, farmer Keith Kuntz harvests corn near Oakville, Iowa.
  2. 好笑的是了解我刚刚转了 21, 当我向后地想的时候在如何已经成人的 21 岁是当我是, 说, 十。
    It's funny to realize I just turned 21, when I think back at how grown-up 21-year-olds were when I was, say, ten.
  3. 已经成人的孩子不要犯错误是没有益处的,因为他们不会相信你,同时也因为犯错误是接受教育的不可少的一环。
    It is no use telling grownup children not to make mistakes, both because they will not believe you, and because mistakes are an essential part of education.

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