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  1. 拜伦继承了爵位,继承了称为“纽斯台德寺院”的大宅邸和已经抵押出去的或已趋于衰败的产业。
    Byron inherited the title, a vast house called Newstead Abbey, and estates already mortgaged or in decay.
  2. 美国政府已经抵押贷款服务业者的表现推出例行性的报告,并料将在周四稍晚公布最新报告.
    The administration has issued regular reports on how mortgage servicers perform and is expected to release its latest one later on Thursday.
  3. 如果已经抵押的项目在销售出去之前已经解除了抵押,就不存在法律问题,购房者可以顺利地办到房产证。
    If the project had been secured in advance sales have been lifted out of the collateral, there was no legal issues, the purchase of property cards can be successfully done.

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