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 外网层 添加此单词到默认生词本
outer plexiform layer

  1. 扬子鳄大脑皮可分为外网、细胞和内,神经细胞绝大多数集中于细胞内,内、外网中零星分布一些小细胞。
    The cerebral cortex include three layers: outer plexiform layer, cell layer and inner plexiform layer. There are some small cells scatter in outer and inner plexiform layer.
  2. 最后,采用了J2EE的三应用架构及内外网物理交换技术,实现了税收业务的上操作及流转。
    Finally, this system adopt the three-tier structure of J2EE and the inner and outer network physical exchange technology to realize the tax business operation and circulation.

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