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 外肢 [wài zhī添加此单词到默认生词本
[无脊椎] exopodite

  1. 象乌龟蜷缩外肢一样,当一个人把他的感觉器官从被感觉对象处完全回收于体内时,他就在圆满智慧中得到了解脱。
    When one completely withdraws the senses similarly as the tortoise withdraws its limbs, from the objects of the senses he is established in perfect knowledge.
  2. 第2次蜕皮后的叶状幼体开始出现眼柄及第4步足呈乳头状突起,第1、第2步足外肢具有6对羽状刚毛;
    The 2nd ecdysis larvae appeared eyestalk, the 4th pereiopod was recognized as a faint swelling and the1st, 2nd pereiopod had 6,6 pairs of natatory setae on the exopod respectively.
  3. 试验结果表明,接头抗拉强度主要取决于角钢外肢的刚度,而注浆体的强度对其影响不大;
    The findings state that the connective tensile strength is depending on the rigidity of outer leg of the angle iron, and much less on the strength of grouting material which has less affect.

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