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 处理机表 [chǔ lǐ jī biǎo添加此单词到默认生词本
processor table

  1. 译文:应用程序:这些程序载入并运行应用程序,像是文件处理机和工作.大多数的操作系统支援多任务处理,或能力运行超过一次一个应用程序.
    Applications: These programs load and run applications such as word processors and spreadsheet. Most operating systems support multitasking, or the ability to run more than one application at a time.
  2. 我正在说是我够乐观来在下十年内相信那,我们将会看见对一个水平的进步为事物像由于数据处理在一台文件处理机中的试算或本文中,或航行英特网,你将会找演讲接口有它变成的充足准确性一个主要的~方式用机器互相影响。
    What I am saying is that I'm optimistic enough to believe that within the next decade, we will see progress to a level that for things like dealing with data in a spreadsheet or text in a word processor, or navigating the Internet, you will find the speech interface has enough accuracy that it becomes a primary way of interacting with the machine.

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