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 处理目的 [chǔ lǐ mù dì添加此单词到默认生词本
processing intent

  1. 摘要工业革命以来的社会变化,使人类越来越清醒地认识到正确处理目的理性与工具理性关系的重要性。
    It has become more and more important to deal with well the relation between Purpose reason (value reason) and Instrumental (scientific and technological reason) with the great social changes since the industrial revolution.
  2. 因此本光盘没有进行任何的优化措施,只是对几个系统文件进行了处理目的是彻底杜绝利用系统弱点而自动激活的病毒的自动运行。
    So the CD did not conduct any of the measures, only a few system files, to the complete elimination of system vulnerabilities automatically activated automatically run the virus.
  3. 介绍了一种利用多DSP实现基于直线阵列的数字多波束形成方案,通过对直线阵列的特征和数字多波束形成原理的阐述,并结合TI公司TMS320F206硬件的特点利用单波束准实时叠加的方法实现了数字多波束形成的信号处理目的,实验结果表明,采用此种方法多波束形成速度快,扩展性能好.
    A method of digital multi-beamforming in linear arrays was introduced based on multiple DSPs.By the expatiation of the characteristics of linear arrays and principle of digital multi-beamforming,the real-time signal processing of multi-beamforming was achieved,which used the method of single beam Guasi-realtime superposition.TI's DSP-TMS320F206 are used to be the processors in the system.The result indicates that the speed of beamforming is rapid and expansibility is good.

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