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 壮工 [zhuàng gōng添加此单词到默认生词本
unskilled labourer

  1. 那一些壮工场还在泼天的耗损和华侈原质料。
    Those small factories are also lavish consumer and waster of raw materials.
  2. 一直小规模的泥瓦匠、壮工和陵墓油漆工为最新的工程而辛勤劳作。
    A small army of stone masons, laborers and tomb decorators works endlessly on the latest project.
  3. 普通工包括厨房里的帮厨和洗碟工以及从事装卸物品或设备之类的杂活的壮工等。
    Examples of unskilled workers are the helpers and dish washers in the kitchen or the laborers who perform such chores as loading or unloading shipments of supplies and equipment.

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