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 壮志未酬 [zhuàng zhì wèi chóu添加此单词到默认生词本
have one's wish frustrated
die before the fulfillment of one's ambition
with one's lofty aspirations unrealized

  1. 但是如果没有这个能力,我们的生活就会是空洞的,壮志未酬的。
    But without it, our lives would be unfulfilled and empty.
  2. 现在完全没有迹象表明壮志未酬的国务卿有意撒手离去——或是如谣传的通过竞选纽约州州长而重返政坛。
    There is absolutely no indication that the Secretary is frustrated to the point of jumping ship — or returning to politics as a candidate for governor of New York, as has been rumored.
  3. 钟馗曾以死抗争,死得豪迈,却从未体会生的悲伤,没想到有一天,他竟然也会有壮志未酬身先死的遗憾。
    Doors to death, was chosen to die, but never experience of sadness, unexpectedly one day, he would have died of lofty ideal did not propose that body first.

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