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 垂直检验 添加此单词到默认生词本
vertical check

  1. 特别地,可以用这个,来检验两个向量是否相互垂直
    And, in particular, we can use this to detect when two vectors are perpendicular.
  2. 逻辑框架法是通过垂直逻辑关系检验项目的效果和作用,通过水平逻辑关系对资源和成果进行说明和评价。
    Logical frame method is to test project effect and function through vertically logical relations and to appraise the resources and the achievement through horizontally logical relations.
  3. 采用切片法、相似度概念和热平衡以及进口温度检验法,对收集到的圆管垂直向上流动临界热流密度实验数据库进行了分析。
    The world vertical upward flow round critical heat flux experimental database is analyzed based on the slice method, similarity measure, heat balance and inlet temperature verification.

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