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 垂直贸易 添加此单词到默认生词本
vertical trade

  1. 国际贸易的公平性反映在水平公平和垂直公平两个方面。
    The fairness of international trade is reflected horizontal fairness and vertical fairness.
  2. 环境规制、国际贸易垂直性市场结构之间具有重要的联系。
    There is an important connection between the environmental regulation, international trade and vertical structure.
  3. 此外又计算了美国1998 - 2004年出口贸易垂直专业化比重和14个典型国家2000年垂直专业化比重,并将其结果与中国垂直专业化程度进行对比。
    Furthermore, the vertical specialization proportion of exportation of America from 1998 to 2004 and another 14 typical countries in 2000 has been estimated and compared with China.

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