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 固定阀 添加此单词到默认生词本
[机] standing valve

  1. 在二值化中采用局部自适应方法与传统的固定阀值方法作比较,细化中运用了数学形态学的方法,对指纹图像进行细化。
    We compare local self-adaptive way with the fixed value in binarization, and use mathematical morphology method to thin image.
  2. 本文研究为新型固定阀塔板的设计及开发提供了依据,并为今后进一步的研究打下基础。
    The study provides gists for the design and development of new style fixed-valve trays and establishes bases for further studies.
  3. 该泵对泵筒、柱塞、固定阀做了设计,改善了泵筒受力状况,提高了螺纹的密封性能和抗拉强度。
    The barrel, plunger and standing valve of the pump were designed, improving the barrel's force conditions and reinforcing the screw thread's sealing performance and tensile strength.

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