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 固定雷达 [gù dìng léi dá添加此单词到默认生词本
fixed radar

  1. 自从比利时首都布鲁塞尔设置固定雷达测速器后,检察官被堆积如山的超速罚单压得喘不过气来,因此要求警方除对犯行最重的驾驶开罚外,不要对其他超速驾驶开单─这让区长们大为光火。
    Prosecutors in the Belgian capital, overwhelmed by the number of speeding fines imposed since fixed radar traps were installed, have asked police to let off all but the worst offenders -- angering local mayors.
  2. 这种方法使运用那些原先被认为只是由恼人的噪声组成的东西成为可能——这一部分的雷达波不是从雨滴反射来得,而是来自诸如建筑物那样的固定物体。
    That enables use to be made of what was previously just irritating noise—the part of a radar beam that is reflected not from raindrops, but from fixed objects such as buildings.

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