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 商品销售量 添加此单词到默认生词本
[贸易] offtake

  1. 合理的商品降价促销可以扩大企业或商场的商品销售量,增加利润。
    The reasonable promotion of seasonal commodities on sale can increase sales volume and profit of enterprises or markets.
  2. 对于具体案件而言,如果当事人能够证明被告商品销售量及单位利润,则通常可以较为准确地计算出被告获利。
    For the practical case, if the litigant can prove for the defendant's products sold amount and the unit profit, then generally the defendant's profit can be calculated comparable accurately.
  3. 通过各类商品销售量变化对价格变化灵敏度的差异,分析了商品需求弹性不同时,价格变化对销售收入的影响。
    Through the differences made by sales quantity and its corresponding flexible priCe sensitivity, this paper analogs how the priCe change influences the sales revenue when demand elasticity varies.

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