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 商品需求 添加此单词到默认生词本
[贸易] demand for commodities

  1. 但随着世界经济复苏及商品需求上升,劳动力和原材料成本呈上升趋势,早已竭尽全力削减成本的零售商和生产商盈利空间也大为减少。
    But as the world economy recovers and demand for goods rises, a surge in labor and raw materials costs is squeezing retailers and manufacturers who have run out of ways to pare costs.
  2. 我们和大西洋两岸的政府观点一致,都认为即将到来的衰退将会是严重的,并且引起对商品需求的全球性收缩。
    We take the view, as with the authorities on both sides of the Atlantic, that the forthcoming recession will be severe and see a marked global contraction in commodity demand.
  3. 我们无法预测未来铁矿石的价格或这是商品需求
    We don’t want to predict the future price of iron ore or commodities demand.

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