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 双电层 [shuāng diàn céng添加此单词到默认生词本
double electrode layer

  1. 对碳纳米管粉体在高温下进行空气和二氧化碳活化处理,并用于制作容器极板。
    Carbon Nanotubes (CNTs) were activated by CO_2 and air under different durations, then were used in polarizable electrodes of electric double-layer capacitors (EDLCs).
  2. 摘要基于理想粘塑性模型分析了效应对线接触弹流润滑膜厚度、压力分布和承载能力的影响。
    Numerical analysis is carried out to analyze the influence of the electric double layer on line contact elastohydrodynamic lubrication.
  3. 研究证明,化学容所具有的大容量是由于极表面的容和氧化还原反应导致的“准容”的共同作用而引起的。
    The large capacitance exhibited by these systems was demonstrated to arise from a combination of the double-layer capacitance and pseudo-capacitance associated with surface redox-type reactions.

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