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 去看电影 添加此单词到默认生词本
go to the movies
go to see a movie
went to the movies
go to the pictures

  1. 与其电视我宁愿去看电影
    I prefer going to the movies to watching TV.
  2. 不骗你。我先生和我昨晚原本想要去看电影,但是因为他们需要我,所以我只好留在家里。
    No kidding. My husband and I wanted to go to the movies last night, but I had to stay home because I was needed.
  3. 所以你也许会发现每次在你要阅读失乐园的时候你的室友想去看电影,你很难对他说“不”。
    So you may find it hard to say"no" each time your roommate wants to see a movie when you need to read Paradise Lost.

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