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 去程 添加此单词到默认生词本
outward voyage

  1. 此外,如果一组研究对象被(事先)告知去程将会比较远,那么“回效应”就会消失。
    Furthermore, when one group of participants was told that the upcoming trip would seem long, the return trip effect disappeared.
  2. 该航线每周二、四、六执飞,去程:航班于15:15从北京出发,18:30抵达莫斯科(当地时间);
    The route every Tuesday, four, six bailiffs fly, go way: on the 15:15 flight from Beijing, arrived in Moscow 18:30 (local time);
  3. 所有套票价钱只适用于至少两位成人同行,行、航班必须相同,并须于去程及回时一同办理登记手续。
    Air tickets of above packages are valid on condition that at least 2 adults shall check-in and travel together on same outbound & inbound flights on fixed dates.

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