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 压性结构面 [yā xìng jié gòu miàn添加此单词到默认生词本
compressive structural plane

  1. 并在室内利用岩石三轴刚伺服机,通过模型试验对岩体的层和一组与层正交的节理的情况进行模拟研究,分析了结构面性状和围对复合式滑移破坏的影响,给出了在贯通性结构面(层)倾角、非贯通性结构面以及围等因素共同作用下,节理化岩体发生复合式滑移破坏的条件以及破坏特徵。
    And Rock Triaxial Serve Testing System is used, through model test involving bedded planes and a set of joint normal to the bedded planes in rock mass, multiple sliding failure affected by properties of joints and confining pressure is analysed, the condition triggering multiple sliding failure and characteristics of failure plane are given, under the co-action of inclination of connective joints (bedded planes), interlocking conditions of critical joints and confining pressure.

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