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 压敏电阻 添加此单词到默认生词本
voltage dependent resistor

  1. 在规定的环境条件下,保证压敏电阻器正常工作所允许连续施加的最大交流电值。
    This is the maximum continuous sinusoidal rms voltage, which maybe applied at any temperature upto the maximum operating temperature of the device.
  2. 文摘:简述了我国压敏电阻器工业的发展过程,特别是20世纪90年代后期以来所取得的重大突破。
    Abstract: The progress and the present status of visitor production in China are reviewed.
  3. 提出了再用三到五年的时间使我国成为世界压敏电阻生产大国的三项具体目标,以及实现这一目标将给我们带来的经济和社会利益。
    Three goals—what should be achieved as the first varistor production nation—are set to reach in three to five years.

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