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 印象批评 添加此单词到默认生词本

  1. 针对这种“印象化”倾向,本文从四个方面探讨了对翻译批评活动的认识,认为开展健康的翻译批评活动应该拥有开放的批评视野,树立科学批评精神,从而对译本作出本质的、全面的评价。
    To counter the impression tendency in China's translation criticism field, this articls shows the autho's cognition of translation criticism from four aspects, It also claims that sound translation criticism, based on the opening view of criticism and scientific approaches, produces ssential and comprechensive apreciation to the translation.
  2. 人民行动党(PAP)政府给予国际"无贪腐"的印象,其实来自国家领导人以严厉的法律禁止人民发出批评的声音。
    The "corrupt-free" impression that the People's Action Party (PAP) government gives to the world stems from the fact that the state's leaders have used draconian laws to silence its critics.
  3. 就连批评家都承认洛山鸡有着非常好的天气和另人印象深刻的风景.并且依靠着他的光泽和魅力,他成为娱乐业的家园.
    Even its critics acknowledge that Los Angeles has wonderful weather and impressive scenery. And it is home to the entertainment industry, with all it's glitz and glamour.

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