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 危害公共安全罪 添加此单词到默认生词本
crimes against public security

  1. 泗洪县检察院以涉嫌以危险方法危害公共安全罪批捕。
    Sihong County Procuratorate on suspicion of dangerous to approach the crime of endangering public safety of arrest.
  2. 陈佳的律师说量刑过重,当事人只是交通肇事而并非是危害公共安全罪
    Chen Jia's lawyer argued that Chen should be charged with causing a traffic accident rather than endangering public security.
  3. 尽管如此,法官认为此事的危害极其严重,加上犯嫌疑人肇事后有逃逸的行为,这些事实已足以构成危害公共安全罪
    However the judge said the consequences of the accident was severe, plus he fled the scene after the incident. Those facts provided enough evidence for the charge of endangering public security.

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