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 动温 [dòng wēn添加此单词到默认生词本
[机] dynamic temperature

  1. 李奥:塔米,快叫救护车!不要迪。试着放轻松,保持冷静。
    Leo: Quick, Tammy, call an ambulance! Wendy, don't move. Just try to relax and stay calm.
  2. 起初,谁也没。然后鲁斯说道,“陛下,把达维里奇奥从这房间里赶出去,马上!我要他!”
    Af first no one moved. Then Ruthven said, 'Your Majesty, send David Riccio out of this room, now! I want him! '
  3. 起初,谁也没。然后鲁斯说道,“陛下,把达维里奇奥从这房间里赶出去,马上!我要他!”
    Af first no one moved. Then Ruthven said, 'Your Majesty, send David Riccio out of(T) this room, now! I want him! '

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