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 列强 [liè qiáng添加此单词到默认生词本
big powers

  1. 日本被这场斗争弄得疲惫不堪,而列强们则用战争威胁她。
    She was exhausted by the struggle, and they threatened her with war.
  2. 尽管有着种种现代特征,但这场战争对于参战列强而言也是一场“圣战”。
    Yet for all its modernity, the fighting was also a "holy war" for each belligerent power.
  3. 墨西哥是少数几个未被啤酒界列强瓜分的国家,然而情形未必能一直持续下去。
    Mexico is one of the few countries that has yet to be carved up by brewing's super powers, though it is unlikely to remain so.

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