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 出于自愿 [chū yú zì yuàn添加此单词到默认生词本
of one's own free will
ex mero motu
of one's free will

  1. 它感觉上像是在工作,因为我们这么做并非出于自愿,但同时它又占用了我们自己的时间。
    It feels a bit like work, as we don't do it voluntarily, but we do it in our own time.
  2. 尽管中国表面上依然坚持认为其行动是出于自愿而其他发达国家是强制性的,但是中美之间似乎达成了一个对等交易。
    A like-for-like deal seems to have been reached, even though China remains publicly adamant that its actions are voluntary while those of the developed nations are mandatory.
  3. 因此,尽管欧洲金融稳定基金是人们为国库券持有者提供保险而设计的,但欧洲领导人坚持希腊的减免出于自愿,这将让使欧元区债务更加难以保险。
    So while the EFSF scheme is designed to offer insurance to bondholders, the European leaders' insistence that the Greek writedown be voluntary will make euro-zone debt harder to insure.

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