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 凸起高度 添加此单词到默认生词本
height of projection

  1. “关键是这其中存在着很大的不确定性,因为谁也无法在这样的高度和这样的速度下很好地完成对这两个凸起的气动分析。” 黑尔表示。
    "The bottom line is there is large uncertainty because nobody has a very good handle on aerodynamics at that altitude and at those speeds," Hale said.
  2. 跟最佳设计的孔细微的偏差可以导致大的凸起高度变化,它所产生的严重后果是组装件出现“开路”。
    Small excursions from the optimally designed aperture size can lead to large bump height variations, which may, in extreme cases, produce open circuits in the assembled chips.
  3. 在织物结构相理论的基础上,分别采用颗粒凸起高度法与联合法进行了塔夫绸织物的设计,从而形成良好的颗粒效应。
    Based on the theory of fabric structure, the designing methods of granular height and coordination can be relatively used to design the taffeta in order to form good granular effect.

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