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 凸轮轮廓 添加此单词到默认生词本
cam contour
[机] cam profile

  1. 当前在制造船用柴油机凸轮时,必须提高凸轮轮廓精度和解决表面波纹、烧损和裂纹等问题,本文对此问题进行了探讨。
    This paper discusses how to improve precision of the cam profiles and solve the surface waves, burn and cracks in making the cams for marine diesel engines.
  2. 结果表明,采用文中给出的方法,能显著提高弧面凸轮轮廓面的加工精度。
    The result showed that the machining precision of profile surface of arc surfaced cam could be increased remarkably by adopting the method presented in this paper.
  3. 利用NURBS实现了凸轮轮廓曲线的重构,并给出基于运动仿真实现迅速反求空间凸轮机构从动件运动规律的方法。
    The cam contour curves are reconstructed by NURBS, and a rapid reverse design method for spatial cam follower motion specification via motion simulation is also studied.

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