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 公用面积 添加此单词到默认生词本
[建] public area

  1. 洋房面积包括洋房有盖面积及洋房所分摊的公用地方面积
    House Area includes the House Covered Area and the Apportioned Share of Common Area of the house.
  2. 对一单套单元讲,每套建筑面积包括室内的建筑面积与分摊的公用建筑面积之和。
    Speak on a single set of units, each building floor area including an indoor area and sharing common construction area combined.
  3. 单位所分摊的公用地方面积包括但不限于冷气机平台、升降机大堂、升降机槽、升降机机房、各类机电房、消房室、管理员办事处及会所等。
    Apportioned Share of Common Area includes but not limited to A/C platform, lift lobbies, lift shaft, lift machine room, E&M rooms, F. S. room, caretaker's office, clubhouse etc.

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