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 公益事业 [gōng yì shì yè添加此单词到默认生词本
programs for public good
public welfare establishments

  1. 他对这件事还有些倡议,我们愿意做这项公益事业也许能申请到更多的资金来帮助其他人。
    He has some sponsorship for this, but we would like to make this public as so perhaps solicit more funds to help others.
  2. 它们希望支持某一具体市场中的公益事业或其客户感兴趣的慈善活动,这样有助于提高利润。
    Corporate donors want to support a cause in a particular market or of a particular interest to customers so that, in doing so, they boost profits.
  3. 公司代表了一个大家庭,那么从这一点上看,就应该用一部分本就打算利用于公益事业的资金在诸如孤独症研究、流浪者等真正的人类问题上。
    Companies represent big families, and in that sense it’s right to take a portion of funds that have been set aside for causes, and invest in real human issues like autism research or homelessness.

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