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 公平处理 添加此单词到默认生词本
redress the balance
strike a balance

  1. 对外移民政策立场坚定,对内少数族裔问题公平处理,使得内外平衡。
    He balanced firmness on immigration from abroad with fairness towards ethnic minorities at home.
  2. 另一方面,对于中国司法制度未能公平处理此案的说法,北京方面做出了愤怒的反应。
    Beijing in turn, has reacted indignantly to suggestions that its legal system is not handling the case fairly.
  3. 其想公平处理人类的健康权和卫生保健专业人员的权利之间的关系,以使他们做出自己的职业选择。
    It wants to strike a balance between the human right to health, and the right of health-care professionals to make their own career choices.

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