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 公务护照 添加此单词到默认生词本
service passport

  1. 在我国,外交、公务护照由外事部门颁发,普通护照由公安部颁发。
    In our country, the diplomacy, the service passport issue by theexternal affair department, the ordinary passport issues by Ministryof Public Security.
  2. (二)持有效拉脱维亚共和国国民护照、外交护照公务护照的公民,可免办签证多次进入中华人民共和国澳门特别行政区,由入境当天起半年内逗留最多九十日。
    Residents of the Macao Special Administrative Region holding a valid Macao Special Administrative Region Passport of the People's Republic of China may enter repeatedly the territory of the Republic of Latvia and stay there for a period not exceeding ninety (90) days per period of any half-year, from the date of first entry, without being required to obtain a visa.
  3. 我的访问目的是公务,这是我的护照和邀请函。
    The purpose of my visit is on business. This is my passport and invitation.

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