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 公务车 [gōng wù chē添加此单词到默认生词本
[交] service car

  1. 他说有些持械抢劫犯抢了某个行政长官的公务车,他们要赶快抓捕他们归案。
    He said some armed robbers snatched the official vehicle of a Commissioner and that they needed to make a quick arrest.
  2. 在卢萨卡,负责监察血汗工厂的劳动督查部门只有一辆公务车,最近已经坏了四个月了。
    Labour inspectors in Lusaka, who monitor sweatshops, have use of only one car and recently it was broken for four months.
  3. 据《第一财经日报》报道,去年我国政府采购公务车金额为800亿元,占总采购规模的14%。
    The bill for official government vehicles reached RMB80b last year, making up 14% of last year's total government procurement, the National Business Daily reported.

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